Pounds of Food Served: 31,918
Government Food: 13,961
Donated Food: 12,689 (includes 3,842 pounds of produce and 256 pounds of dairy)
Food Purchased Locally: 2,635
Maryland Food Bank Purchases:2,633
Hygiene Necessities
Paper Products: 280
Diaper Packs: 155
Infant Wipes, Formula/Food: 114
Nutritional Drinks: 58
Bar Soap/Hand & Body Wash:135
Feminine Hygiene Packs: 94
Adult Incontinence Packs: 73
Deodorant: 99
Hair Care Products: 55
Oral Care Products: 148
Other Personal Care: 128
Laundry & Dish Detergents: 131
Other Household Items: 80
Mugs of Love and Kits: 120
New Clothing and Shoes:275
Sweet Treat Bags: 150
Other Updates
Volunteer Hours: 386
Clothing: 437 individuals in 119 households (Jan-Sep 2023)
Bottoms Up Campaign: 11,428 diapers, feminine and incontinence items collected