Neighbors Served: 3,423
Pounds of Food Served: 25,981
Government Food: 17,289
Donated Food: 8,692 (includes 4,729 pounds of produce and dairy)
Hygiene Necessities
Paper Products: 244
Diaper Packs: 205
Infant Wipes, Formula/Food: 186
Feminine Hygiene Packs: 211
Adult Incontinence Packs: 115
Personal Care Packs: 47
Bar Soap/Hand & Body Wash: 184
Dental Care: 158
Hair Care: 41
Deodorant, Razors/Shaving Kits: 170
Other Personal Care: 152
Laundry & Dish Detergents: 147
Other Household Items: 171
Nutritional Drinks: 97
Clothing Items: 36
Other Updates
Volunteer Hours: 480
Clothing: 345 individuals in 86 households (Jan-Aug)
Bottoms Up Collections: 2,713
School Supplies: Distributed to 193 children